Saturday, August 16, 2008

Financial Wisdom

Dave is my newest project. I am going to be rich. Ha! I haven't cracked it open yet but I do know enough about Dave Ramsey to know to use cash and be on a budget. Yesterday I began. Since it was payday, I withdrew our allowance for the next 2 weeks. The cash is in 2 separate envelopes. The first one is for groceries, diapers, cleaning products, etc. The second is "fun money" which includes restaurants, Starbucks, clothing, beer, etc...

It is already working in the sense that I feel like saving my money. I am afraid of the stash running empty. For instance, I am a HUGE reader and probably go through at least 2 books a week. Needless to say, Barnes and Nobles has sucked up my funds over the summer. But yesterday I turned a corner and made myself (and 4 children in 104 degree heat) go to the Igo branch library and I got the Invisible Wall for FREE. It wasn't as easy as buying it at Target earlier when I was there getting groceries but I saved $20 doing the library route. I also put myself on the waiting list for The Bright Forever and its so simple. They will just email me when its available. $40 saved just like that!

1 comment:

jenny said...

Do I need to send the missionaries your way?? Ha ha. Did you know that Dave Ramsey is a HUGE mormon guy? We too do the cash budget (we started about 8 months ago) I swear it works, but like you said it is hard at times.