Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Making History

Well, in about one hour, it will be official. It is Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska. I am by no means super knowledgeable about politics but I think this is very exciting. What little I know is this - she's Christian, pro-life , pro-family, mom of 5 (baby has Down Syndrome), a reformist, comes from blue collar family, hockey player, has a son in Iraq and has superb approval ratings in Alaska. Plus, she comes from a state that is known for producing energy (good for environmental supporters such as myself) and this comes on the heels of Obama's big speech last night. Way to turn the spotlight on the Republican party. What a surprise!! McCain is showing he can shake things up and isn't afraid of change. The whole thing is shocking and brilliant. I love it! Oh, and if I were a little older and wore glasses, Sarah and I would look like identical twins.

1 comment:

jenny said...

I just saw her today. I think she is great! And you are right if you wore glasses you look like you could be related. Perhaps you should have #5 as well?? Hee Hee.